How it works.

1.Know each other

  • We understand your financial goals and risk profile.
  • You will understand our investment philosophy and track record.
  • We establish a mutually trusted and beneficial relationship with defined goals.

  • We evaluate various investment opportunities that fit into our philosophy and match your criteria.
  • We present the investment opportunity to investors, typically in a webinar, and answers all the questions you might have.
  • We remain in constant and transparent communication until both our investment priorities align.

2. We present opportunities

3. You Invest

  • Once you decide to invest, we will share the Private Placement Memorandum (PPM), Company Agreement, Subscription Agreement, Investor Questionnaire and all other related documentation.
  • Paperwork is reviewed by you (and your advisors) and appropriately completed.
  • Once the subscription documentation is accepted by us, you will wire the funds.
    • Typically $50,000 is the minimum investment in most syndications. (Varies based on the size)
  • You will be a part owner of a single purpose LLC created to own the property. Each unit will be worth a $1000 and you will get 50 units for the minimum investment.
  • Sponsors will act as managers for the above mentioned entity.
  • Sponsors close on the deal and execute the business plan.

  • Sponsors send out the monthly updates on the progress of the business plan and the financials.
  • Sponsors manage the property management company, evaluate the financial performance of the property and make quarterly distributions.
  • Tax statements (K-1s) detailing the distributions, your share of depreciation losses are shared with you yearly. (Typically in March)
  • Once the business plan is executed, Sponsors decide on the disposition of the asset and/or refinancing.
  • After the disposition of the asset, investor funds are returned and any remaining proceeds are split based on the agreements

4. Reap the benefits